TM Festival 36

Branding for the 36th ‘Transmusicales’ Festival in Rennes, France, 2014
Conceptually the image is titled ‘Vibrations’
Visually representing the Mood or Vibe generated between Performers & the Audience
Visitors Wrist-Bands also completed the visual theme, with different colours produced for each of the days


TM 36 A Poster

Portrait Poster above
Street Poster display shot below


TM 36 street poster web




TM 36 3x4 poster final

Landscape Poster format above
also adapted for Postcards and Press-Pack, all in pro.



TM 36 CD

CD cover above


TM 36 CD centre credit panel web

Opening centre spread for 8 panel Digipack above
Music sampler Disc designs 1 & 2 below


TM 36 disc layouts 2

8 Panel Digipack below


8 panel Digipack shot


TM 36 imac screen

VIDEO / ANIMATION – Still from the Video above –
The Video is also used for Stage screen projections in between intervals for the various acts
YouTube promo video, incorporating imagery from the branding –
Adaptation of TM 36 branding for music promo by Gilles Gonon –


B&W Rennes
Calm before the Storm
Womens fitted T shirt above
Created for PR with a Ltd. edition offered for sale
Below, Ltd. edition socks, produced specifically for the event
and the JM credit
TM socks




TM truck dia

 TM Promo Truck – Side panel layout above
Perspective side shot of truck below


TM 36 truck

Promotional Bus application



Vibrations image

Complete ‘Vibrations’ Image
from which the various crops & templates are taken



Den Sorte Skole
Live performance video created with overlaid branding for pr purposes



JM Animation
projected on multiple screens behind a DJ in between live sets
Samples above & below


TM extra



Mail Attachment copy

The branding was everywhere this year,
even appearing at football matches!