Character identities

A mixture of Figurative Character Identities
created for individual or company clients

Melia Music samples final

Logo for singer/songwriter Paul Melia’s own Music Label
2 colour & B&W versions shown above






Bonetti Letterhead

Bonetti 3

Identity for ‘Bonetti Real Estate Services’
The brief was to incorporate an Elephant into the branding –
Symbolising, sturdiness, intelligence, playfulness, majesty, memory, plus a sense of family & community.
The image incorporates 2 house shapes, contained within the negative spaces, 1 repeated on the card back.
Multipurpose branding use – House style, Stationary, Website & Sale boards.
Toucan Logo
Toucan Letterhead
‘Toucan Tutors’ identity
Letterhead & Business Card adaptations above
Pocket wolf homepage 3
‘Pocket Wolf Music’ logo
Tonal & solid versions shown above
Mason surfboards behance
‘Mason Surfboards’
Logo design for customised board company, combining a manta ray with a stylised M
Colour & B&W versions shown above
AA Letterhead & card
‘Avril Allen’ – Life coach logo
letterhead & card layouts above


‘Hound Dog’
character identity above (unpublished)





HOTD Sachet sample 2

‘Zombie Dog’
Logo for hangover drink branding
Sachet use above
‘Hairy Dog Concoctions’ variant logo below


SOP Banner
Spirit of Pembrokeshire
Website header & Identity
Designed for company selling merchandise to the local tourist market –
attracted by the endearing Puffin population
Tee shirts & marketing use mainly




Two different bear characters above & below
both originated for my ABC book


gatao-labels & bottle
Portuguese Cat Logo, created for Wine labels
The cat gazes wistfully at a flying bird, which is embossed on the bottle.
Adapted for various colour-ways